Friday 28 September 2012

The Nerve-Wrecking First Day

Like everyone else , I woke up nervous and excited. I was looking forward to the day ahead and was happy to get started soon:)
I arrived at the Beauty House and one of my supervisors Jenny was very welcoming to me. When my 2 other supervisors Nuala and Sandra arrived they were also very helpful and kind to me.
I started the day off by sorting the nail varnish out in the nail room and I enjoyed it. I went to the shop for them gladly to buy them some items. I helped around the salon and went home for my break then.
When I arrived back to the salon I organised one of the rooms as a photographer was coming to take pictures of the salon. Throughout the day I helped the supervisors with little bits.
The day had gone so fast and finally it was 4 o' clock and time to go home. Overall I enjoyed the day and I am looking forward to next week already. The supervisors were very nice and I am glad I got to meet them.

xoxo - A