Friday 18 January 2013

Scoil Mochua 2nd week

Before little break I was in room 7 and I firstly helped the first class children to take down their homework. I also helped them to read a poem and story. After that I took down items off the walls and sorted out pencils,crayons and coloured pencils into separate boxes. Before break was circle time and we passed a beanbag around. After little break I was in room 7 again for an hour and I helped the children, then pinned up things on the wall. When I left room 7 I was in room 8 next which was also first class. The children firstly performed two songs with actions for me and then in their music book coloured pictures in. After I corrected their maths sums and helped around the class. After big break we went to the computer room and I helped the children with the maths games. I then sat with the children in the classroom for the last 5 minutes of the day while they coloured in pictures.

I enjoyed the day alot and got to know a few of the children & teachers. I am looking forwards to next week a lot.

Friday 11 January 2013

1st Day of 2nd Work Exp

On Wednesday when I woke up I was looking forward to the day ahead in Scoil Mochua. I left my house and only took 5 minutes to get there.
I arrived early enough and me and my friend waited around a few minutes until we went to Ms.M's office. When we got there she explained to us what we would be doing and gave us a folder with the list of teachers in it & what our timetable would be for the next few weeks.
I firstly went to Ms.W's class which are Junior Infants and started off by correcting some copies. After I helped to give out some toys then divided their school books up. At 10:45 we then had little break for 10 minutes in Ms.M's office.
After little break I was in Ms.W's class again for an hour. I printed sheets out for her and photocopied them. I then cut them up and glued them into the books for the children.
After Ms.W's class I went to Ms.S's class which were 1st class. I corrected some copies. A few minutes before lunch the teacher left me to mind the children. I got them to put their coats on and I led them out to the yard.
After big lunch I corrected more copies , helped the children out with a story they were planning and helped everyone with their workbook.
The day finished at 2.40 and I enjoyed it a lot. I am looking forward to next week.
