Friday 26 April 2013

Day 3

I arrived at the pre-school at half 9 and firstly got to read a file about Occupational Therapy until 10. At 10 we set up all the toys and the children started to arrive.

3 workers & I brought 8 of the children to the Coffee Shop in the Leisure Centre for a small lunch for around 40 minutes.

When we got back to the pre-school they stayed in the main hall for a few minutes then got them ready for their dinner.

At 12 I went to the canteen for lunch with my friend until 1.

After lunch I went back to the pre-school and all the children came to the main hall where we got them all ready to go home.

At 2 I went over to the senior citizens. A few of us decorated flapjacks with chocolate. After we went to the hall and watched a dance video for a few minutes. We then went back to the room and I helped around for the rest of the day.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 2

I arrived a few minutes early and talked to the staff until the parents dropped off their children, the taxi and the bus had arrived.
When the children arrived we were in the main hall for a few minutes then I just helped around and played with the children.
Two of the staff and I decided to take 6 of the children to the coffee shop in the leisure centre for lunch. We each had a buggy and one child walking holding onto it.
When we came back to the pre-school we went back to the classroom and the workers got the children's dinners ready.
At 12.00pm I went to the canteen with my friend for lunch for an hour.
When I got back to the pre-school I helped the children get ready to go home and they all got collected or dropped home.
At 2 o' clock I went to the senior citizens.
One of the workers and myself decided to take 4 of the senior citizens to the coachhouse which is another open coffee shop.
We stayed there for a while and all had a hot drink and a snack.
After we walked back and I helped around for the rest of the day.
I enjoyed the day as we got to bring the children and senior citizens out!

Friday 12 April 2013

3rd Work Exp

Since it was my first day of my 3rd work experience on Wednesday the 10th of April, I came in early with my auntie for her to show me around and the different parts of Stewart's.
We arrived in at around 9 and we first went to the pre-school where I was starting off in the morning. A bus goes around to the children's houses to collect them so I went with one of the teachers to collect all the children.
When we arrived back to the pre-school all the other children had arrived aswel. We stayed in the main area for a few minutes then we all split up into the different classrooms. I was firstly in room 1 and I was helping around with the children. I then went to room 2 where there was only a few children. In this classroom we used games to teach the children things.
I met up with my friend and we went to the staff canteen for lunch. Lunch was from 12-1.
After lunch I went back to the pre-school to help get the children ready to go home and they had all left by half 1.
At 2 o' clock my auntie brought me over to the area for the senior citizens. I went to one of the rooms and helped out with all the senior citizens.
They had baked buns the day before so we all decorated them for their tea and I helped around for the rest of the day. I finished at half 3 and went to get the bus home.

I enjoyed the day a lot as it was a different experience and I am looking forward to next week already! :)